Kendras' mods for Silent Hunter 3
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Messages : 184
Date d'inscription : 23/07/2018

Reworked Anschütz Kompass Empty Reworked Anschütz Kompass

Ven 22 Jan - 13:46
I've recently discovered the "Anschuetz Kompass" made by Leitender for GWX. It works exactly like the real compasses built for the Kriegsmarine during WWII. I liked the internal rotative disc which gives a much better precision. So, I tried it in game but noticed several problems. So, I corrected them and changed the color of the internal disc (personal preference).

Reworked Anschütz Kompass AaXiw4T

My tweaks :

- corrected the textures in order to have perfect circles and no weird visual effect when they are turning in game ;
- separated the central little "button" in order it doesn't turn with the internel disc ;
- changed the aspect of the marker (indicator, the line that you can move to change your course) ;
- changed some lines in the menu.ini in order to achieve several goals :
-- to put the central button above the turning discs ;
-- to have a smaller internal disc (as in reality) ;
-- to be able to select the indicator while the mouse cursor is on the outer (black) disc (giving more precision).

All in all, that was a very tricky work, but now it's working very well as expected by me.

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