Kendras' mods for Silent Hunter 3
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Messages : 184
Date d'inscription : 23/07/2018

Ghost 74' ship Empty Ghost 74' ship

Sam 28 Juil - 10:52
This ghost ship represents a seventy-four sailing ship of the line (

For the historical background, the 74' ship (74 guns) was created by french engineers around the 1740s. At the time, that was a huge technical advance.

I didn't create the ship from scratch. I found her in LSH3_V5 supermod (NFD, for Flying Dutchman). But she had only 10 guns and there was a bug with them. It took me very big efforts and time, but with stubbornness and analysis of different files types' structure, i finally managed to make them work. And then, i decided to add as many guns that a real 74' ship had !

So, the ship is capable of firing a full broadside (37 shells) with three different types of guns (16 inch - 8 inch - 4 inch).

This mod is JSGME ready. If you don't have this tool (JSGME), you have to place manually the files into the appropriate folders.

Ghost 74' ship 9DfCI1h

Dernière édition par Admin le Sam 1 Déc - 1:53, édité 1 fois
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